Best Design Brief Templates for UX/UI Designers

Design Briefs act as foundational tools for UX/UI designers, detailing project objectives, target audience, and functionality requirements. This structured approach ensures that design decisions are aligned with business goals and user needs. A Design Brief template can streamline the briefing process, helping designers to collect and organize critical project information more efficiently.

Before you get started on creating your own Design Brief template, take a look at these inspiring Design Brief examples below to simplify the process.

What Should Design Brief Templates Include?

Choosing the right Design Brief Template is crucial for streamlining your UX/UI projects. Here are key components to look for in an effective template:

  1. Project Overview: This section should provide a clear and concise description of the project, including its objectives and the final deliverables expected.

  2. Target Audience: A good template will include a section to define the demographic and psychographic characteristics of the user base the design is intended for.

  3. Timeline and Milestones: Ensure the template outlines key dates and milestones to keep the project on track and stakeholders informed.

  4. Budget: It should have a dedicated section for budget constraints to help manage resources effectively throughout the project.

Selecting a template with these components will help ensure that all critical aspects of the design process are addressed, leading to a smoother workflow and successful outcomes.

What Should Design Brief Templates Avoid?

Choosing the right design brief template is crucial for streamlining your project's workflow. However, not all templates are created equal. Here are key elements to steer clear of:

  1. Overly Complex Instructions: Avoid templates that include complicated instructions or jargon that could confuse team members. Simplicity fosters clarity and efficiency.

  2. Irrelevant Sections: Templates should be adaptable but avoid those cluttered with unnecessary sections that don't relate to your project's specific needs.

  3. Rigid Structure: A template should facilitate creativity, not hinder it. Avoid designs that are too rigid, offering little flexibility to modify according to project evolution.

Selecting a template devoid of these pitfalls will ensure a smoother, more effective design process, enhancing both creativity and productivity.


Ein einfaches Dokument, das dir hilft, alle Voraussetzungen und Informationen zu organisieren, die für eine reibungslose Zusammenarbeit mit Agenturen und Freelancern erforderlich sind.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Kreativ-Briefing


Wir stellen die "Produktdesign-RFC"-Vorlage vor - eine verständliche und kollaborative Vorlage zur Vereinheitlichung deines Designprozesses von der Idee bis zur Ausführung. Diese Vorlage erfasst wichtige Informationen, fördert die Kommunikation und bietet einen strukturierten Ansatz, um dein Designprojekt voranzutreiben.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Produktdesign-RFC


Ein einfaches Dokument, das dir hilft, alle Anforderungen und Informationen zu organisieren, die du für die erfolgreiche Umsetzung von Design-Projekten brauchst.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Design-Briefing

4Design & System Requirements Template

This template document aims to summarise the findings in this current stage of the research and to provide guidelines for the design (designers) and for the system (developers) based on this research.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Design & System Requirements Template

5Brand Design Brief

Ugh, tired of design drafts that miss the mark?

You know, the ones that look kinda pretty, but don't really connect with your audience or boost your sales?

Been there, done that. That's why I created this super-simple Brand Design Brief Template.

Think of it as your magic wand for crafting a brand that:
Turns heads with stunning visuals that capture your unique vibe.
Speaks to your ideal customers like they're old friends.
Crushes the competition by standing out from the crowd.
Drives real business results, not just likes and shares.

No more design drama, Just a clear roadmap that helps you and your designer:
Understand your target audience inside-out. Who are they? What makes them tick?
Unleash your creative vision. Playful? Sleek? You name it! ✨
Spot your competitive edge. What are they doing right (and wrong)?
Fuel your designer's imagination. Share visual inspo to spark their creativity.
Align design with your business goals. Let's make it happen!

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Brand Design Brief

6UX/UI Design Project Brief

Looking for a skilled UX/UI designer? Check out this comprehensive UX/UI Design Project Brief Notion template! The Overview section provides background information about your expertise, while the "Why me" section highlights your unique value proposition. The Services section outlines the design offerings to cater to all client needs. Budget and timeline management are made easy with dedicated tables. Finally, the Terms and Conditions section ensures a productive collaboration. Start your UX/UI design project with confidence using this professional Notion template. Contact the client today to kickstart your project!

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für UX/UI Design Project Brief


Nutze diese umfangreiche Designspezifikation, um neue Produkteigenschaften oder andere Arten von Projekt zu recherchieren, zu planen und zu entwickeln. Diese Vorlage beinhaltet Abschnitte für die Recherche und Inspirationslinks, die Details und Gründe für die Gestaltung dokumentieren und dich Erfolge messen und erreichen lassen.

Mit der Vorlage kannst du Einbettungen von Figma, Framer, Invision oder Github verwenden, um Mocks und Prototypen anzuzeigen.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Designspezifikation

8Content design workflow

An end-to-end process guide with tips, a checklist and mindset prompts. It helps define project scope, the writing process and focuses on the most important parts of the UX content design process.

Use this template to save time, reduce writers block, and help apply a standardized process in a writing team.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Content design workflow

9Value Proposition Workshop

A Value Proposition workshop helps you to clearly articulate the point of your service or product, who it's for and what makes it unique. A value proposition is a statement that answers the 'why' someone should do business or work with you. It is your unique identifier.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Value Proposition Workshop

10Notion Design Brief

Are you tired of spending endless hours on product design projects that seem to go nowhere?

Imagine having a secret weapon 🪄 to streamline your design process and create successful products every time.

Why this Notion design brief template?

A single page, well organized, and has enough detail to guide you to write down your brief in minutes!

😎 Save time

🚀 Increase productivity

💰 Deliver exceptional results

🔎 Include detailed guide and hints

💎 Ultimate template for digital product design projects

👋 Say goodbye to frustration and hello to success with our game-changing design brief template!

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Notion Design Brief

Closing Thoughts

Utilizing these templates streamlines the design process, ensuring consistency and clarity across projects. They help in maintaining focus on user needs and business goals.

Adopting these tools can significantly reduce project timelines and improve collaboration among team members. Start integrating them into your workflow today to see the benefits.

What is a User Persona?

A user persona is a fictional character created to represent a user type that might use a site, brand, or product in a similar way. Personas are used in design briefs to guide design decisions by aligning strategies around the user's needs.

What is a Scope Creep?

Scope creep refers to the changes, continuous or uncontrolled growth in a project’s scope, at any point after the project begins. This can happen when the goals of a project are not properly defined, documented, or controlled.

What is a Deliverable?

A deliverable is a tangible or intangible good or service produced as a result of a project that is intended to be delivered to a customer (either internal or external). A deliverable could range from designs to documentation, and is often specified in a design brief.
