Best Design Sprint Templates for Product Designers

Design Sprints play a pivotal role in the product design process, offering a framework for rapidly innovating and testing ideas. This method allows designers to focus on solving user problems in a collaborative and time-efficient manner. Utilizing a Design Sprint template within Notion can streamline this process even further, providing structure and guiding teams through each phase of a sprint with less administrative overhead.

Before you start crafting your own Design Sprint template in Notion, exploring these mentioned examples could simplify your effort, ensuring you have a strong foundation to build upon.

What Should Design Sprint Templates Include?

Choosing the right Design Sprint template can significantly streamline your product design process. Here are key components to look for in a high-quality template:

  1. Clear Objectives: The template should clearly outline the goals of the sprint, ensuring that every participant understands the expected outcomes.

  2. Step-by-Step Activities: It should provide a detailed agenda with specific activities planned for each phase of the sprint, guiding the team from start to finish.

  3. Tools and Resources: A good template includes a list of necessary tools and resources, helping teams prepare effectively before the sprint begins.

  4. Roles and Responsibilities: Clearly defined roles and responsibilities ensure that each team member knows what is expected of them, promoting efficiency.

Selecting a template with these components will help ensure a smooth and productive design sprint, setting your project up for success.

What Should Design Sprint Templates Avoid?

Choosing the right Design Sprint template is crucial for streamlining your product design process. However, not all templates are created equal. Here are key components to steer clear of:

  1. Overly Complex Instructions: Avoid templates that include complicated, unclear instructions. They can confuse the team and derail the sprint's focus and efficiency.

  2. Fixed Mindset Layouts: Steer clear of templates that do not allow flexibility. Design Sprints often require adaptability, and a rigid template can limit creative solutions.

  3. Irrelevant Pre-filled Content: Templates filled with generic or irrelevant content can be more of a hindrance than a help. They clutter the workspace and can mislead the team.

Selecting a template that avoids these pitfalls will facilitate a smoother, more effective sprint, ensuring that your team can focus on innovation and problem-solving.

1Design Sprint

This template is designed to help design teams continuously track and iterate on their projects, from creative sprints to finished projects based on user feedback.

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2UX Project Structure

This template provides the perfect starting point for a New UX Project. Use the structure proposed in it to start documenting your project and slowly unpack the design problem space you're solving for.

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3Designers Project Management

A Notion project management template for designers.

This template provides a focused space to manage your daily design projects and tasks.

What's included:

✔ Project management system

✔ Task management system

✔ Project planning

✔ Task tracking

✔ Task prioritization

✔ Task deadline tracking

✔ Project progress tracking

✔ Task progress tracking

✔ Customizable workflows

En förhandsgranskning av mallen för Designers Project Management

4Definition of Ready Checklist

The Definition of Ready (DoR) is a crucial concept in agile development that outlines the criteria a user story must meet before it can be implemented. This checklist will provide teams with a comprehensive framework for effectively defining the DoR and by following it, teams can ensure that user stories are well-prepared, reducing ambiguity and improving efficiency.

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5Merci Grace's remote brand design sprint

Merci Grace is the former Head of Growth at Slack and Partner at Lightspeed Ventures. Her brand sprint template, inspired by Google Ventures' , turns an intimidating creative process into something collaborative and fun. Kick things off with this sprint and give your remote team the tools you need to start defining your brand.

This template is just one of Merci's many product development templates, all of which .

En förhandsgranskning av mallen för Merci Grace's remote brand design sprint

6Prototypes testing questions

7 questions to test your prototype
This template is based on questions I often use when it comes to test new ideas with customers.
These questions work with almost any type of prototype be it a storyboard, a lego prototype, a role-play session a paper prototype or a digital one.

You can change everything in this template to make it your own.

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7UX Playbook

Clear steps to improve your UX process. Ready-to-use templates such as Project Kickoff, Customer Journey Map, Concept Testing, and more, helping you to optimize your workflow. Solutions that can be applied to any UX project.

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8RICE Framework

Welcome to the RICE Framework Notion Template – your ultimate tool for prioritizing projects and tasks effectively. Inspired by the pioneering work of the Intercom team, this template is designed to streamline your product management process, ensuring that your team focuses on work that maximizes impact and value.

RICE stands for:

Reach: How many people will this impact?
Impact: To what extent will this contribute to our goals?
Confidence: How sure are we about these estimates?
Effort: How many person-hours will this require?

The template guides you through a structured process to score your projects and features, allowing you to make data-driven decisions on what to prioritize next. With an intuitive layout and comprehensive scoring system, you’ll be able to assess your initiatives' potential with clarity and precision. Dive in and discover how to optimize your product's impact with our RICE Framework Notion Template.

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9Designer Project Tracker and Client Portal

Powered by the new Notion projects feature, this template helps designers and design studios manage tasks across projects. It also comes with an inspiring and on-brand client portal where all client conversations, feedbacks and approvals take place. All project resources and references are also organized in the client portal. A full walkthrough of the template can be found here:

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10Graphic Designer Notion

Here everything is in one space. Work and creativity. Everything is in your hands. What you will find here are books, inspirations and working phases. You want one button for everything, jobs, freelancer tools, easy search engine and so on. You will find intelligence that is free, Free AI tools, gives you a lot of resources and does your work, giving you time to do more and achieve your goals. Easy payment system and many more that you can see with your eyes. books that contain - Books on what design is, history of design, and formulas on how to develop vision, vision in the field where creativity only revolves. Books on Psychology, How to Manage People and Win Friends, How to Make Strong Arguments and Let's be deep thinkers, Meditation, How to Win Any Argumentative Matter, and Be an Outstanding Thinker of Intelligence. These books cover a range of topics, from developing mental strength and resilience to managing interpersonal relationships and developing a strong sense of self. The self-realized soul is neither attached to nor detached from anything. He simply lets things be, knowing they are all an illusion." - Ashtavakra Gita

En förhandsgranskning av mallen för Graphic Designer Notion

Closing Thoughts

Utilizing these templates streamlines the design process, ensuring consistency and efficiency. They allow designers to focus more on creativity and less on structure.

By adopting these templates, you're not only saving time but also enhancing the quality of your outputs. Start integrating them into your projects today and observe the transformation in your workflow.

What is a Prototype?

A prototype in a design sprint is a scaled-down version of the product, which incorporates the main functionalities to test with users before full-scale development.

What is a Facilitator?

In the context of a design sprint, a facilitator is responsible for guiding the team through the process, ensuring that the sprint objectives are met efficiently and effectively.

What is a User Story Map?

A user story map is a visual representation that organizes and prioritizes user stories, laid out in the sequence that a user experiences them, often used during design sprints for clarity and direction.

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