Top 10 Free Managers Templates in Notion

템플릿 9개

Upgrade your management game with Notion. Check out our customizable templates one-on-ones, growth plans, meeting agendas, and more.

1. 1:1 회의록

1:1 회의록님의 템플릿 미리보기

이 템플릿을 활용해 매니저는 직접 보고자들과의 1:1 회의록을 정리할 수 있습니다.

2. Annual Performance Self-Tracker

Annual Performance Self-Tracker님의 템플릿 미리보기

This template allows people to track their performance in real time, throughout the entirety of the fiscal year. They can track key accomplishments, leadership strength and growth opportunities, and if they are on track to delivering business objectives.

3. Task Manager

Task Manager님의 템플릿 미리보기

Experience the power of prioritized tasks using the Eisenhower Method with this advanced Task Planner, keeping you focused on tasks that align with your objectives and prevent distractions from less vital tasks.
Benefit from clear and precise task roadmaps for today, tomorrow, and the next seven days, empowering you to plan efficiently, reduce stress, and work intentionally towards your goals.

4. 연간 성과 자기 평가

연간 성과 자기 평가님의 템플릿 미리보기

자기 평가는 어렵죠. 하지만 이 양식을 따르면, 회고하고 기록하며 미래 계획을 세우는 일이 훨씬 쉬워집니다.

5. 성과 리뷰

성과 리뷰님의 템플릿 미리보기

팀원이 지난 성과 리뷰 후 진행 상황을 점검하고, 자기 성찰을 할 수 있도록 도와주세요. 매니저는 자세한 피드백을 제공하고 함께 개선 플랜을 작성할 수 있어요.

6. Team Pulse

Team Pulse님의 템플릿 미리보기

Team Pulse is tailor-made for team leaders, managers, and entrepreneurs who value meaningful connections and aim to create a thriving workplace culture. Whether you lead a startup, manage a medium-sized team, or work in a larger organization, this template adapts to fit your unique needs and fosters a productive and engaged team.

7. Career Building:Toolkit & Knowledge Hub for Growth

Career Building:Toolkit & Knowledge Hub for Growth님의 템플릿 미리보기

The ultimate all-encompassing career development plan for professionals in various fields, such as product managers, entrepreneurs, and creative professionals. Featuring a knowledge hub (career moats, business thinking, decision making, accelerated learning, wealth hub) and a toolkit (personal goal, personal planner, Daily Reads & Reflections, Calendar) with rich content.

8. Kick-Off Meeting Agenda

Kick-Off Meeting Agenda님의 템플릿 미리보기

This free Notion template empowers you to conquer projects with precision and ease. It's the secret sauce for streamlining communication, boosting productivity, and ensuring the successful execution of your projects.

✓ Supercharge communication: The kick-off meeting isn't just a meeting—it's your communication catalyst. It sparks direct interaction, swift question resolution, and seamless collaboration with clients and your design team. By discussing project goals, expectations, and limitations at the beginning, you build trust, align perspectives, and lay a strong foundation for project success.

✓ Conquer scope creep like a pro: Scope creep can be a silent killer in project management, leading to delays, budget overruns, and frustration. This agenda template is your blueprint to define project scope and proactively stay on target.

✓ Achieve laser-like clarity: Bid farewell to project ambiguity once and for all. Our template delivers a precise agenda outline to steer you through defining project goals, requirements, roles, and responsibilities. This ensures a shared understanding among all stakeholders, setting the stage for seamless project execution.

9. Performance improvement plan

Performance improvement plan님의 템플릿 미리보기

This performance improvement plan is designed to help managers improve the performance of their employees that are not meeting expectations.

This template provides a structure to create a plan that includes the problem, proposed solution, check-in points, feedback, goals, and resources - making it easy to identify areas of improvement and develop an actionable plan. Use this template to ensure the success of the employee and organization.

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