Top 10 Paid Fundraising Idea Templates

Having a well-organized approach to fundraising is crucial for achieving financial goals, whether for personal projects, startups, or charitable causes. Fundraising ideas are important as they provide innovative and effective ways to engage potential donors and investors. A Fundraising Ideas Notion template can streamline the planning process, keep track of different fundraising strategies, and ensure that all efforts are aligned with the overall objectives.

Before you dive into crafting your own fundraising strategies, take a look at these Fundraising Ideas Notion templates to simplify and enhance your fundraising efforts.

What Should Fundraising Ideas Templates Include?

Choosing the right Fundraising Ideas Template in Notion can streamline your planning process and enhance your campaign's effectiveness. Here are key components to look for in a high-quality template:

  1. Goal Tracking Features: A good template should include tools to set, track, and visualize fundraising goals to keep your campaign on target.

  2. Donor Management System: It should offer functionalities to manage donor information securely and efficiently, ensuring easy communication and follow-ups.

  3. Event Planning Integrations: Look for templates that integrate with calendar tools to help schedule and manage fundraising events without hassle.

  4. Financial Reporting Capabilities: Essential for monitoring the inflow and outflow, ensuring transparency and accountability in your fundraising efforts.

Selecting a template with these features will not only save time but also provide a robust framework to maximize the impact of your fundraising activities.

What Should Fundraising Ideas Templates Avoid?

When selecting a Fundraising Ideas Template in Notion, it's essential to be aware of certain features that might hinder your campaign's success rather than help it. Here are three key components to steer clear of:

  1. Overly Complex Layouts: Templates with too many sections or complicated navigation can confuse potential donors. Opt for simplicity to keep the user's journey smooth and straightforward.

  2. Generic Content: Avoid templates that do not allow easy customization for your specific cause. Personalization is key in storytelling and engaging potential supporters effectively.

  3. Limited Data Tracking: Ensure the template includes robust features for tracking donations and analyzing donor behavior. Templates lacking these can impede your ability to optimize future campaigns.

Choosing the right template involves more than just aesthetics; it's about functionality and ease of use to maximize your fundraising efforts.

1Deal Pipeline Management

Key Features:

Customizable Pipeline Stages: Tailor your venture deal pipeline to suit the unique dynamics of your investment process. Whether it's sourcing, screening, due diligence, negotiation, or closing, our template offers flexibility to adapt to your specific workflow requirements.

Visual Progress Tracking: Witness the journey of your venture deals unfold with visual clarity and precision. Track each deal as it progresses through your pipeline, from initial contact to final investment, ensuring transparency and accountability at every stage.

VC-Standard Deal Structure & Documentation: Capture essential deal details and documentation with ease and efficiency. From company profiles and pitch decks to financial statements and legal documents, our template provides dedicated spaces to store and organize all critical information, streamlining your due diligence process and mitigating risk.

Shareable Deal Brief: Able to download deals as pdf to share with other investors

Deal Pipeline Managementのテンプレートのプレビュー

2Presentation Slide Templates

These Notion presentation slide templates for business allow you to quickly create attractive and shareable slides for your masterclass, worship, webinar or presentation.

Presentation Slide Templatesのテンプレートのプレビュー

3Creating Brand Guidelines


Welcome to our Notion Brand Guidelines Template, crafted to empower freelancers and startups in shaping their unique brand narratives. This tailored guide is meticulously designed to guide you through the presentation process with ease, while streamlining the implementation of cohesive brand elements.


Brand Overview
Brand Essence
Logo & Guidelines
Colours & Typography
Imagery & Visual Elements
FAQs & Info


Versatility for Freelancers and Startups:
Whether you're a solo freelancer or steering a dynamic startup, our Notion template adapts to your specific needs, serving as a versatile guide tailored for brand success at any stage.

Comprehensive Content:
Our notion template covers all key essential areas - This includes the brand's purpose, brand story, mission statement, core values, logo variations, colour palette, typography, design elements and more.

Unveil Your Brand's Character:
Dive into the brand personality section where you can articulate and define your brand's character effortlessly. This key feature empowers you to express the unique traits, values, and essence that set your brand apart.

User-Friendly Notion Integration:
Seamlessly incorporate our brand guidelines into your notion workspace. With an intuitive design, you can effortlessly manage and implement brand elements, creating a cohesive and polished brand image.

Saves You Time:
Streamline your brand guidelines process with our professionally designed template, saving you valuable time and effort.


After purchasing my template, you will receive a PDF containing a link to the template. After opening the link, select duplicate at the top right of notion and the template should be available for you to edit and use in your Notion account.


Notion is a versatile and collaborative platform that offers the flexibility and tools needed to create, manage, and present brand guidelines effectively. Its adaptability and features make it an excellent choice for beginners, professionals and teams looking to streamline their brand presentation process. Notion is also free to use for all.

Elevate your brand effortlessly with our Notion Brand Guidelines Template, empowering freelancers and startups to craft a consistent, captivating, and memorable brand presence.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out via Notion or Email.

© SelwynGoodman

Creating Brand Guidelinesのテンプレートのプレビュー

4Startup Templates Bundle

The idea is simple. If you ever need something in your startup journey, just go into the Notion file and copy the suitable template. That saves you a ton of time and money in the process. They are all based on best practices from the most successful founders and cover every area - from aligning on a shared vision to setting up a job board.

Startup Templates Bundleのテンプレートのプレビュー

5BizPrompter: Notion AI Business Validator

BizPrompter strings together the key prompts and workspaces needed to turn your business idea into a fully-fledged plan. It stores context about your idea as you go, powering Notion AI custom blocks that learn about you and your business as you progress. Validate your next business idea with BizPrompter in minutes.

BizPrompter: Notion AI Business Validatorのテンプレートのプレビュー

6Startup fundraising toolbox

Good fundraising is hard because you need to manage so many different parties, and still only the best companies get funded. The templates help you manage your whole fundraising process by using best practices from the founders who have successfully done it before.

Startup fundraising toolboxのテンプレートのプレビュー

7AI Investor Deck

In a world where innovative ideas are essential for business success, securing funding can make or break a company.

Our AI-powered Investor Deck template is the ultimate tool for entrepreneurs and startups looking to secure funding. It provides a clear and compelling way to present your business plan and growth potential all in one place.

Whether you're just starting or looking to take your business to the next level, our template is the key to making your funding dreams a reality.

AI Investor Deckのテンプレートのプレビュー

8Pitch Deck

Impress investors with a customisable Notion pitch deck.

An investor will spend around 3 minutes reviewing your pitch deck. Defy the odds by using this interactive template over a boring powerpoint to clearly and concisely capture their attention.

Pitch Deckのテンプレートのプレビュー

9Startup Essentials Bundle

The Startup Essential Bundle is a comprehensive package designed to empower startups in securing investor funding and setting their course for success. It offers an AI-powered Investor Deck template for Notion that simplifies crafting persuasive and impactful presentations, a Financial Model for both Excel and Google Sheets for in-depth financial analysis and planning, and a Brand Strategy Notion template to devise compelling brand narratives and strategies. Each tool in this bundle is tailored to streamline the entrepreneurial journey, fostering an environment of clarity, focus, and strategic decision-making. With the Startup Essential Bundle, startups have the crucial resources to thrive and win over investors.

Startup Essentials Bundleのテンプレートのプレビュー


Are you fundraising for your startup? FundraiserPro is the ultimate Fundraising 1 Pager System for Startups. Efortllesly create neat visual 1 pagers (select from two visual styles and pre-filled structure blocks); keep your 1 pagers organized and track your investor distribution list.


Closing Thoughts

Utilizing these templates streamlines the planning process, allowing you to focus more on engaging donors and less on administrative tasks. Their intuitive design ensures easy customization to suit your specific needs.

By implementing these tools, you can significantly boost your fundraising efforts. Start today to see a tangible increase in efficiency and donor engagement. The results will speak for themselves!

What is a Pledge Drive?

A pledge drive is a fundraising method where individuals commit to donating a specific amount of money over a period, often used by public broadcasting services to raise funds.

What is a Matching Gift?

A matching gift is a type of philanthropy where companies match donations made by employees to eligible nonprofit organizations, effectively doubling the donation.

What is a Silent Auction?

A silent auction is an event where items for sale are displayed for participants to bid on silently by writing their bid on a sheet of paper, often used in charity events.
