Top 10 UX Feedback Templates

UX feedback is essential for understanding how users interact with your products and services, allowing you to make informed decisions that enhance user satisfaction and engagement. A UX Feedback Notion template can streamline the process of collecting, organizing, and analyzing feedback, ensuring that insights are actionable and accessible.

Before you dive into creating your own UX Feedback system, take a look at these UX Feedback Notion templates to simplify and improve your process.

What Should UX Feedback Templates Include?

Choosing the right UX Feedback Template in Notion can streamline the process of gathering and analyzing user experience data effectively. Here are key components to look for in a high-quality template:

  1. User Information: This should include fields to capture essential details about the user, such as demographics, device used, and user behavior patterns.

  2. Feedback Type: The template should categorize feedback into types like usability, functionality, aesthetic, and errors. This helps in prioritizing and addressing issues systematically.

  3. Severity Rating: A section for rating the severity of issues reported can help in triaging problems and managing them according to their urgency.

  4. Comments and Suggestions: Space for open-ended responses where users can describe their experience and offer suggestions for improvements.

Selecting a template with these components will ensure a comprehensive approach to collecting and utilizing UX feedback, enhancing the overall design process.

What Should UX Feedback Templates Avoid?

Choosing the right UX feedback template in Notion can streamline your design process and enhance the quality of insights you gather. However, certain elements can detract from their effectiveness. Here are three key components to avoid:

  1. Overly Complex Questions: Templates that include questions which are too detailed or technical can confuse users, leading to unclear or unusable feedback.

  2. Non-Scalable Formats: Avoid templates that are not adaptable to different projects or user groups. Flexibility in feedback collection is essential for diverse user testing scenarios.

  3. Limited Response Options: Templates that restrict users to yes/no or multiple-choice answers can oversimplify complex user experiences, missing valuable nuances in feedback.

Ultimately, the best UX feedback templates are those that encourage clear, concise, and useful user responses without complicating the feedback process.

1Projects, Tasks & Time

Projects, Tasks & Time came to life for those who value every moment. Whether you're an independent professional seeking precision in time tracking, or a team yearning for syncs and clarity, our template is your reliable ally in the world of Notion.

Aperçu du modèle de Projects, Tasks & Time

2Suivi des retours

Le suivi des retours est un modèle complet qui relie les profils des clients, les demandes de commentaires et les documents d'exigences de produits (PRD) via une série de bases de données interconnectées, ce qui facilite la gestion et l'analyse des retours des clients. En favorisant une boucle de rétroaction plus étroite entre les clients, les chefs de produit et les ingénieurs de solutions, ce modèle permet à votre équipe de mieux comprendre les besoins des clients, de prioriser le développement de fonctionnalités et de conduire des améliorations continues des produits en fonction d'informations concrètes et basées sur des usages réels.

Aperçu du modèle de Suivi des retours

3Contact form

With Paperfrom you can build a powerful contact form on your website with added creativity and flexibility of Notions web pages. Everything is customisable to your brand so you can create an eye-catching UX that will wow your customers.

Aperçu du modèle de Contact form

4Notion's feedback tracker

Collecting feedback is a necessary step in any growing startup looking to better their product. This feedback tracker helps you consolidate all your product feedback from different platforms into a single, accessible database. Use the Notion Web Clipper to quickly collect online suggestions and embed the details into a subpage.

You can prioritize certain features over others by breaking down feedback into quantifiable feedback tags. Use this template to give your customers a voice and drive clarity around what the team wants to run after.

Aperçu du modèle de Notion's feedback tracker

5Customer Feedback Tracker (with charts)

This template provides a starting point for tracking key product metrics and making charts to visualize them. It demonstrates how to measure and graph NPS score, which measures customer satisfaction 1-10. It also measures how disappointed customers would be if your product disappeared tomorrow, a metric popularized the the email client Superhuman. Finally, it shows an example of how to chart churn by month.

Aperçu du modèle de Customer Feedback Tracker (with charts)

6Voice of Customer Report

Every quarter, the User Insights team at Notion puts together a Voice of Customer report to align the organization around top trends and customer insights. Use this VoC template to quickly generate a report to share out critical customer insights with your organization.

Template creation assisted by Tiffany Go and the Entrepret team.

Aperçu du modèle de Voice of Customer Report

7Customer Satisfaction Surveys

A customer satisfaction survey is a questionnaire designed to help businesses understand what their customers think about their products or services, their brand, and their customer support. Customer satisfaction surveys allow companies to improve products strategically, optimize user experience, and deliver exactly what the market demands.

Aperçu du modèle de Customer Satisfaction Surveys

8Des retours clients aux fonctionnalités

Fermez la boucle de feedback des clients et veillez à ce que votre produit évolue en fonction de leurs besoins. Utilisez ce modèle pour orienter les décisions relatives aux produits en vous basant sur le retours des clients. En conservant une base de données complète des profils des clients, et un répertoire dynamique des commentaires et des fonctionnalitées demandées, vous serez en mesure de suivre les tendances, de hiérarchiser les efforts de développement, et de communiquer directement avec votre base de clients.

Aperçu du modèle de Des retours clients aux fonctionnalités

9Feedback Tracker

This is a personal feedback tracker is a tool designed to collect, organize, and manage feedback provided.

Inspired by
- Book: The First 20 Hours - Josh Kaufman.
- Principle: "Get feedback on your progress to help you improve"

Aperçu du modèle de Feedback Tracker


Understanding your customers' satisfaction through NPS is crucial for improving your business. By using a Paperform embedded form in Notion, you can customize the survey to fit your brand and workflows, making it easier for customers to provide valuable feedback.

Aperçu du modèle de NPS

Closing Thoughts

Implementing these templates can streamline your feedback process, ensuring consistency and clarity in communication. They help in capturing essential user insights effectively.

By adopting these structured formats, you can enhance team collaboration and accelerate product improvements. Start integrating them into your projects today to see the benefits firsthand.

What is Heuristic Evaluation?

Heuristic evaluation involves a set of usability experts evaluating the interface and judging its compliance with recognized usability principles (the "heuristics").

What is Affinity Diagramming?

Affinity diagramming is a technique used to organize UX feedback and other data into groups based on their natural relationships, aiding in pattern recognition and decision-making.

What is Desirability Testing?

Desirability testing is a method used to gauge users' emotional responses towards a product's design elements, typically through the use of adjective-based surveys or visual reaction tests.

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