Best Org Chart Templates for Human Resources Managers

Org charts are an indispensable tool for Human Resources Managers, providing a visual representation of an organization's structure. They help in understanding the hierarchy, managing employee relationships, and planning for future growth. An Org Chart template in Notion can streamline the creation of these charts, making it easier to manage and update organizational information.

Before you start creating your own Org Chart template, consider exploring the templates listed below to simplify the process.

What Should Org Chart Templates Include?

Choosing the right Org Chart template can streamline the process of understanding and managing your organization's structure. Here are key components to look for in an effective Org Chart template:

  1. Clear Hierarchical Structure: Ensure the template clearly delineates levels of hierarchy from top management to frontline employees, facilitating easy navigation and understanding.

  2. Departmental Breakdown: It should include distinct sections or colors for different departments, making it simple to distinguish between areas of responsibility and expertise.

  3. Contact Information: A good template provides space for essential contact details such as phone numbers and email addresses, which aids in quick communication.

  4. Integration Capabilities: Check if the template can integrate with other tools or databases to automatically update employee information, saving time and reducing errors.

Selecting a comprehensive Org Chart template can significantly enhance the efficiency of organizational communication and management.

What Should Org Chart Templates Avoid?

Choosing the right organizational chart template is crucial for effective management and clear communication. However, certain features can complicate rather than streamline this process. Here are three key components to steer clear of:

  1. Overly Complex Design: Avoid templates with intricate designs that can confuse rather than clarify. Simplicity in layout helps in understanding the hierarchy and relationships more effectively.

  2. Excessive Use of Colors: While color coding can be useful, too many colors can be distracting and may detract from the primary function of the org chart. Opt for a template that uses color sparingly.

  3. Fixed Size Fields: Templates that do not allow for adjustable field sizes can be limiting if you need to include more detailed information for certain positions or departments.

Remember, the best org chart template is one that enhances clarity and facilitates easy understanding of the company's structure, without unnecessary embellishments.

1Annuaire des employés

Répertoriez facilement tous vos employés dans cet annuaire. Enrichissez-le en ajoutant des biographies, des anecdotes et des photos.

Aperçu du modèle de Annuaire des employés


Créez l’organigramme de votre organisation directement dans Notion grâce aux bases de données. Ajoutez autant de niveaux que vous le souhaitez et reliez-les aux équipes principales.

Aperçu du modèle de Organigramme

3Annuaire d’équipe

Chaque carte peut être ouverte pour afficher une biographie de l’employé, ses accomplissements passés, ses objectifs, etc. Les émojis et les peuvent aussi ajouter un peu de piment. 🙌

Aperçu du modèle de Annuaire d’équipe

4Whimsical's team hub

Create a Teams directory in your Company Wiki! Each team can use this template to introduce their team details.

Everyone in your company should be able to find out who is on a team, the key things the team is focusing on and how to work with them.

Think of this as the welcome mat for your team’s source of truth — the relevant team information that the rest of your company should know about and have access to.

Aperçu du modèle de Whimsical's team hub

5Équipe RH tout-en-un

Ce modèle d’équipe RH tout-en-un est votre compagnon idéal pour une gestion efficace de vos ressources humaines. Il permet de simplifier les opérations liées au personnel en agissant comme un centre de commande pour toutes les activités liées aux ressources humaines. Qu’il s’agisse de tenir à jour la base de données des employés, de suivre les évaluations de performance ou de planifier des activités pour renforcer l’esprit d’équipe, tout se trouve dans ce modèle.

En mettant tout le monde sur la même longueur d’onde, il favorise la transparence et la collaboration entre les membres des équipes, tout en permettant de gagner du temps et réduire l’éparpillement à travers divers systèmes.

Aperçu du modèle de Équipe RH tout-en-un

6Org structure for group of companies

It helps to have it in one place clear org. structure of the group of companies. And see headcount in real time, grouped by departments and level of employees.

Aperçu du modèle de Org structure for group of companies

7Employee Management System (Basic)

Introducing our Employee Management System, a comprehensive solution designed to streamline your workforce management needs with ease and efficiency. Whether you're a small startup or a growing enterprise, this customizable template offers a centralized hub within Notion to organize, track, and optimize your employee-related tasks.

This template can help you with the following:

1. Managing Different Employees

2. Employees Tasks

3. Employee hours (Total worked hours)

4. Employees Hourly Fees

Download Now!

Aperçu du modèle de Employee Management System (Basic)

8Notion Org Chart Template

All in Notion
No third-party tools, no embeddable links. Just databases and charts.

Easy, Simple and Fast
The template is built to be used as easily, simply and fast as possible.

Fully Customizable
Structure your charts as you want, create different types of org charts, team-project org charts, departments, divisions, etc.

Users can click on the profiles and have access to their individual Notion page, containing their information, personal user manual, social media links, how to contact, etc.

Easy Update
Once your org chart is created, you can update it easily whenever you want.

Aperçu du modèle de Notion Org Chart Template

9Stakeholder & Org Management

Plan and organize the involvement of various stakeholders in your project. Customize the template for each project, create stakeholder profiles, and filter by timing to define specific use cases and engagement strategies.

Aperçu du modèle de Stakeholder & Org Management

Closing Thoughts

Implementing these templates streamlines the process of managing employee information, ensuring a clear view of organizational structure and staffing needs. This clarity aids in strategic planning and decision-making.

By adopting these tools, HR managers can save time and reduce errors associated with manual data management. Embrace these templates to enhance operational efficiency and focus on more strategic HR initiatives.

What is a Matrix Structure?

A matrix structure in an org chart represents a complex reporting arrangement where employees may report to multiple managers, such as both a functional manager and a project manager.

What is a Span of Control?

Span of control refers to the number of direct reports a manager is responsible for overseeing in an organization's hierarchy, impacting the width and shape of an org chart.

What is a Succession Planning Chart?

A succession planning chart is a specialized org chart that outlines future leadership roles and identifies potential internal candidates to fill these positions, ensuring continuity in leadership.

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