Top 10 Scrum Board Templates for Electrical Engineers

For electrical engineers, managing projects efficiently is fundamental due to the complexity and interdisciplinary nature of their work. A Scrum Board Notion template can help streamline this process by organizing tasks, deadlines, and responsibilities clearly, ensuring that project milestones are met promptly. Before creating your own Scrum Board template, consider exploring the templates provided below, such as "Mixpanel's daily standup & tasks," "Agile Project Management," or "Notion’s projects," to simplify and enhance your project management efforts.

1Mixpanel's daily standup & tasks

To stay on track, Mixpanel's engineering teams meet twice a week to recap progress and plan ahead. Use their template to give your whole team a searchable record of meetings as they work through complex projects.

Vista previa de una plantilla para Mixpanel's daily standup & tasks

2Project dashboard

This template is intended to simplify the way professionals handle handover procedures, by offering clear guidance as to which steps to take in order to set new components up to speed with all the information regarding a project.

Vista previa de una plantilla para Project dashboard

3Agile Project Management

Agile project management was born in 2000, and has been powering and guiding engineering, product, and more teams ever since. Agile management focuses on splitting project into incremental iterations or sections. This template allows you to view projects, that are divided into smaller tasks, and that correspond to sprints that you can visualize beautifully in a sprint timeline. Embrace agile to increase productivity, start with this template.

Vista previa de una plantilla para Agile Project Management

4Tablero Kanban

Los tableros Kanban son ideales para organizar proyectos grandes con muchos componentes. Esta plantilla proporciona una imagen completa del progreso de todos los proyectos, tareas y miembros del equipo, lo que te permite realizar un seguimiento fácil de todo tu trabajo y mantener a todos informados

Vista previa de una plantilla para Tablero Kanban

5Proyectos y tareas

Haz el seguimiento de proyectos de cualquier forma o tamaño, y para cualquier tipo de equipo. Visualiza los proyectos en forma de cronograma, tablero kanban o calendario, lo que más te convenga. Escribe documentos de planificación, inserta diseños y organiza notas de reuniones en el mismo lugar.

Vista previa de una plantilla para Proyectos y tareas

6Notion’s tasks

Use this tasks database to capture your engineering and product teams’ day-to-day work. At Notion, we organize all our work by projects and tasks, then link each task to its relevant project and team. That way, you can filter tasks by a specific project.

This template is part of a larger — read more about how we use it in .

Vista previa de una plantilla para Notion’s tasks


Use this template to track all of your project work. Organize your projects by epics, sprints, tasks, and bugs. You can view the database different ways to see projects by status, engineer, or product manager.

Save time by using the templates made for each type of task, where you can add more as needed, as well as custom properties to track important information.

Vista previa de una plantilla para Roadmap

8Branch's engineering roadmap

 uses this engineering roadmap template to bolster team collaboration and connect all their engineering projects in one place. All the project work lives side-by-side with deadlines and updates — saving them time from bouncing between tools. You can create templates unique to each problem an engineer will tackle, like bug reports or project specs. Use this template to help your engineering team track every initiative and encourage cross-functional collaboration.

Vista previa de una plantilla para Branch's engineering roadmap

9Seguimiento de incidencias

Usa esta plantilla para hacer un seguimiento de proyectos de cualquier forma o tamaño. Para los equipos que usan el método ágil, puedes desglosar cada proyecto en tareas, priorizar el backlog, y luego, organizar las tareas en sprints. Filtra por estado, prioridad y equipo para visualizar el trabajo como más te convenga. Además, puedes conectar otras herramientas esenciales como GitHub, Figma, Slack y muchas más para realmente mantener todo tu trabajo en un mismo lugar.

Vista previa de una plantilla para Seguimiento de incidencias

10Notion’s projects

At Notion, we use this database to track all product and engineering work. For every project, we include a few key pieces of info to help teams like Legal, Sales, and Marketing understand what’s shipping and why. Customized properties allow us to track status, project descriptions, and launch dates side by side.

Inside each project page, we embed a filtered view of the tasks related to that project, as well as Github and Figma link previews. That way, all our work is truly in one place.

This template is part of a larger — read more about how we use it in .

Vista previa de una plantilla para Notion’s projects

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