Top 10 Free Issue Tracking Templates in Notion

10 plantillas

Keep your team on top of issues with Notion's issue tracking templates. With customizable workflows and views, you can easily track and fix bugs, feature requests, and more — all in one place.

1. 🐛 Seguimiento de bugs

Vista previa de una plantilla para 🐛 Seguimiento de bugs

Permite a las personas informar bugs y seguir el progreso de resolución a medida que el equipo prioriza las solicitudes y trabaja para arreglarlas.

2. Game Development Board

Vista previa de una plantilla para Game Development Board

Unlock a streamlined game development experience with our specially crafted Notion template. Designed with the unique challenges of game creation in mind, this board offers intuitive organization, real-time tracking, and a visual workflow to keep your project on target. Whether you're a solo developer or part of a team, our template adapts to your needs, turning complexity into clarity. Embark on your next gaming adventure with this indispensable tool by your side!" 🎮🚀

3. Mixpanel's daily standup & tasks

Vista previa de una plantilla para Mixpanel's daily standup & tasks

To stay on track, Mixpanel's engineering teams meet twice a week to recap progress and plan ahead. Use their template to give your whole team a searchable record of meetings as they work through complex projects.

4. Proyectos y tareas

Vista previa de una plantilla para Proyectos y tareas

Haz el seguimiento de proyectos de cualquier forma o tamaño, y para cualquier tipo de equipo. Visualiza los proyectos en forma de cronograma, tablero kanban o calendario, lo que más te convenga. Escribe documentos de planificación, inserta diseños y organiza notas de reuniones en el mismo lugar.

5. Kit para desarrollo de productos de software

Vista previa de una plantilla para Kit para desarrollo de productos de software

Esta plantilla ofrece todo lo que tu desarrollo de producto necesita. Un tablero de hoja de ruta para que los managers de producto organicen su backlog, escriban especificaciones de producto y prioricen el trabajo. También incluye tableros Kanban y Sprint para los tickets, especificaciones técnicas y especificaciones de diseño del equipo de desarrollo y del equipo de diseño. Los tickets están vinculados a la hoja de ruta, Github y Figma.

6. Roadmap

Vista previa de una plantilla para Roadmap

Use this template to track all of your project work. Organize your projects by epics, sprints, tasks, and bugs. You can view the database different ways to see projects by status, engineer, or product manager.

Save time by using the templates made for each type of task, where you can add more as needed, as well as custom properties to track important information.

7. Gantt chart (w/ Notion AI)

Vista previa de una plantilla para Gantt chart (w/ Notion AI)

Gantt charts are the easiest, most powerful way to view projects in a timeline, identifying smaller sub-projects or tasks, and their sequencing and dependencies. Notion’s gantt or timeline feature allows you to view projects easily, identifying degree of completion, status, owners, dependencies, and more - in a beautiful, flexible manner. You can also use the ‘by priority’ view to work on what’s most urgent and important first.

8. Notion’s tasks

Vista previa de una plantilla para Notion’s tasks

Use this tasks database to capture your engineering and product teams’ day-to-day work. At Notion, we organize all our work by projects and tasks, then link each task to its relevant project and team. That way, you can filter tasks by a specific project.

This template is part of a larger — read more about how we use it in .

9. Support task list

Vista previa de una plantilla para Support task list

Track the status of day-to-day support tasks. Tasks are assigned to one or more people and can include priority, tags, and a due date.

Every item is its own Notion page where you can add notes, documentation, images, and even sub-tasks.

10. Tablero Kanban

Vista previa de una plantilla para Tablero Kanban

Los tableros Kanban son ideales para organizar proyectos grandes con muchos componentes. Esta plantilla proporciona una imagen completa del progreso de todos los proyectos, tareas y miembros del equipo, lo que te permite realizar un seguimiento fácil de todo tu trabajo y mantener a todos informados

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