Best 10 Product Roadmap Templates for Product Designers

In product design, understanding where you're heading is as foundational as the design itself. A product roadmap delineates not just the end goal but the steps and milestones to achieve it, offering a clear vision for both stakeholders and the design team. A well-structured Product Roadmap template within Notion can streamline this process, providing a visual and interactive guide that ensures every phase of product development is thoughtfully planned and accessible to everyone involved.

Before you delve into crafting your own Product Roadmap template, consider exploring these curated Product Roadmap Notion templates. They're designed to simplify the planning process, allowing you to concentrate on innovation rather than organization.

What Should Product Roadmap Templates Include?

Choosing the right product roadmap template can significantly streamline your product design process. Here are key components to look for in an effective template:

  1. Clear Milestones: Ensure the template distinctly outlines key milestones. This helps in tracking progress against set timelines and objectives.

  2. Flexibility: A good template should be adaptable to changes. Product development is dynamic, and the ability to adjust your roadmap is crucial.

  3. Stakeholder Integration: It should facilitate easy sharing and collaboration among team members and stakeholders to enhance communication and transparency.

  4. Visual Appeal: A visually engaging template not only makes the information easy to digest but also keeps stakeholders engaged during presentations.

Ultimately, the best template is one that aligns with your project management style and enhances your team's ability to deliver on strategic goals.

What Should Product Roadmap Templates Avoid?

Choosing the right product roadmap template is crucial for streamlining your product design process. However, certain elements can complicate or clutter your roadmap, hindering its effectiveness.

  1. Overly Complex Features: Avoid templates that include too many intricate features which can make the roadmap difficult to read and update.

  2. Fixed Time Frames: Steer clear of templates that rigidly define time frames, as flexibility is key to accommodating changes in priorities or project scope.

  3. Excessive Detail: Opt for simplicity over detail. Too much information on a single roadmap can overwhelm stakeholders and obscure key objectives.

Selecting a template that avoids these pitfalls will ensure a clearer, more adaptable, and effective roadmap, enhancing your product development cycle.

1Hoja de ruta del producto

Esta hoja de ruta de productos te permite planificar y realizar un seguimiento de los lanzamientos en cualquier plazo y con cualquier nivel de detalle. Visualiza los proyectos por trimestre, semestre o año. Haz que el trabajo interfuncional sea más fluido que nunca con filtros y vistas para diferentes equipos. Obtén una perspectiva general de los lanzamientos en un cronograma, o sumérgete en el detalle de las tareas de cada proyecto.

Vista previa de una plantilla para Hoja de ruta del producto

2Hoja de ruta multiproducto de Rippling

La plantilla de hoja de ruta multiproducto de Rippling es la herramienta definitiva para vincular a la perfección productos, proyectos y tareas en una única vista. Inspirada en la naturaleza intuitiva de los diagramas de Gantt, esta plantilla ofrece una línea de tiempo visual que no solo hace un seguimiento del progreso, sino que también señala las dependencias y la secuencia.

Vista previa de una plantilla para Hoja de ruta multiproducto de Rippling

3Kit para desarrollo de productos de software

Esta plantilla ofrece todo lo que tu desarrollo de producto necesita. Un tablero de hoja de ruta para que los managers de producto organicen su backlog, escriban especificaciones de producto y prioricen el trabajo. También incluye tableros Kanban y Sprint para los tickets, especificaciones técnicas y especificaciones de diseño del equipo de desarrollo y del equipo de diseño. Los tickets están vinculados a la hoja de ruta, Github y Figma.

Vista previa de una plantilla para Kit para desarrollo de productos de software

4Product Roadmap

Sort your projects into levers and quarterly goals to keep tabs on the status, priority, effort, impact and team members relevant to each project.

Vista previa de una plantilla para Product Roadmap

5Product vision board

Every startup needs to find their product vision and strategy to drive clarity around what the team wants to run after and how. 

created this product vision board to help new startups find their product vision even if they don't have much data on their customers.

Keeping the board concise by avoiding user stories, personas, design sketches and other highly specific tools allows startups to focus on their overarching goals.

Vista previa de una plantilla para Product vision board

6Design Roadmap

This design roadmap lets you plan and track launches across any timeframe and at any level of detail. View projects by quarter, half, or year. Make cross-functional work the smoothest it’s ever been with filters and views for different teams. Get a bird’s eye view of what’s launching in a timeline, or dive into the nitty-gritty tasks for each project.

Vista previa de una plantilla para Design Roadmap

7Product prelaunch

This is a sanitized version of the project management template the team at The Futur uses to prelaunch digital products. All of the specific/detailed information has been removed, but feel free to use this structure to manage any team effort that requires coordination.

Vista previa de una plantilla para Product prelaunch

8Product development process

Encourage transparency and consistency by standardizing your product development process. This template will take you from ideation to post-launch analysis, with guidance for each phase.

Vista previa de una plantilla para Product development process

9Technology Roadmap

The Technology Roadmap Template is a comprehensive tool for managing your organization's technological growth. This Notion template simplifies planning, decision-making, and communication by categorizing technologies into seven stages and connecting them with relevant team members for smooth collaboration and implementation.

Vista previa de una plantilla para Technology Roadmap

10Hoja de ruta del producto de Stytch

La plantilla de hoja de ruta de productos de Stytch en Notion combina estrategia y valores sólidos. Esta plantilla, que destaca la preparación para el futuro y un enfoque integral de la identidad, incluye secciones sobre estrategia, creencias fundamentales y pilares fundamentales. Con una base de datos de hoja de ruta integrada, los equipos pueden visualizar fácilmente las próximas fases, garantizando la alineación y la escalabilidad. Aprovecha un diseño que prioriza la profundidad y la adaptabilidad.

Vista previa de una plantilla para Hoja de ruta del producto de Stytch

Closing Thoughts

Utilizing these templates streamlines the design process, ensuring that all critical elements are addressed efficiently. This structured approach not only saves time but also enhances team collaboration.

Start implementing these templates today to see immediate improvements in your project management. They are designed to be adaptable, making them perfect for any project size or type.

What is a Swimlane?

A swimlane in a product roadmap visually categorizes tasks or projects by teams, workstreams, or priorities, enhancing clarity and tracking.

What is a MoSCoW Method?

The MoSCoW method is a prioritization technique used in product roadmapping to categorize tasks into Must have, Should have, Could have, and Won't have.

What is a Gantt Chart?

A Gantt chart is a type of bar chart that illustrates a project schedule, including start and finish dates of tasks, dependencies, and milestones within a product roadmap.

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