Top 10 Free Product Showcase Templates

Having a Product Showcase is crucial for organizing and presenting your products effectively, whether you're managing a portfolio, launching new items, or tracking development progress. It provides a clear visual representation of your offerings, making it easier to communicate value to stakeholders and customers. A Product Showcase template in Notion can streamline this process by offering a structured and customizable framework to display your products, track updates, and collaborate with your team.

Before you dive into creating your own Product Showcase, take a look at these Notion templates to simplify the process and ensure you're presenting your products in the best possible way.

What Should Product Showcase Templates Include?

Choosing the right Product Showcase Template in Notion can significantly enhance how you present your products. Here are key components to look for:

  1. High-Quality Images: Ensure the template supports high-resolution images to make your product look appealing and professional.

  2. Clear Product Descriptions: There should be ample space for detailed product descriptions, including features, sizes, and prices.

  3. Customer Testimonials: A section for customer reviews and testimonials can help build trust and influence potential buyers.

  4. Easy Navigation: The template should offer a user-friendly layout that makes it easy for visitors to explore different sections of your product offerings.

Selecting a template with these elements will help you effectively showcase your products and attract more customers.

What Should Product Showcase Templates Avoid?

When selecting a Product Showcase Template in Notion, it's essential to be aware of certain features that might detract from your product's presentation. Here are three key components to steer clear of:

  1. Overly Complex Layouts: Templates with too many sections or intricate designs can confuse your audience. Simplicity often leads to a clearer understanding of the product.

  2. Excessive Use of Colors: While color can help differentiate elements, too much can be distracting. Opt for a template that uses color sparingly to enhance, not overpower, your product details.

  3. Fixed Font Sizes: Avoid templates that do not allow for adjustable font sizes. Flexibility in text scaling ensures that your content is readable on all devices and by all users.

Choosing the right template involves more than just aesthetics; it's about making sure that the focus remains firmly on your product and its merits.


Usa esta plantilla para presentar a tu equipo ideas nuevas y actualizaciones de estado, organizadas de forma que puedan actualizarse y analizarse fácilmente.

Vista previa de plantilla para Presentación

2Wiki de producto

Organiza toda la documentación relacionada con tus productos en esta plantilla, que unifica guías y procesos en un solo lugar con secciones fáciles de navegar.

Vista previa de plantilla para Wiki de producto

3Kit de desarrollo de productos de software

Esta plantilla te va a apoyar en el desarrollo de tu producto. Encontrarás un tablero de hoja de ruta para que los jefes de producto organicen su backlog, describan las especificaciones del producto y prioricen el trabajo. Se incluyen tableros Kanban y Sprint para los tickets, especificaciones técnicas y especificaciones de diseño del equipo de programación y del equipo de diseño. Los tickets enlazan con la hoja de ruta, Github y Figma.

Vista previa de plantilla para Kit de desarrollo de productos de software

4Kit para equipos de producto

Esta plantilla es la herramienta imprescindible para un desarrollo eficiente del producto. Es como tener un centro de comandos virtual que te ayuda a organizar todo, desde las hojas de ruta hasta las solicitudes de funciones, todo en un mismo lugar. Al centralizar tus recursos, minimiza la necesidad de cambiar entre plataformas, ahorrando a tu equipo tiempo valioso y mejorando el flujo de trabajo.

La plantilla fomenta un entorno de colaboración en el que todos reciben la misma información, promoviendo una mejor comunicación y una toma de decisiones más rápida. Desde el seguimiento de objetivos clave hasta la gestión de lanzamientos de productos, esta plantilla equipa a tu equipo de producto con todo lo que necesita para un trabajo ágil, colaborativo y eficaz.

Vista previa de plantilla para Kit para equipos de producto

5Product manager OS

This template helps PMs manage their weekly tasks and projects by ensuring they focus on the right things. It encourages people to ladder up their tasks and projects to core OKRs, and simplifies the process of staying on top of their teams. In short, it makes zooming out to overall goals just as easy as focussing on what needs to get done this week.

Vista previa de plantilla para Product manager OS

6Product spec

A Product Requirement Document (PRD) or Product Spec designed for product managers in tech. It allows you to easily build a spec and track pain points, users and personas, implementation plan and success criteria.

I built this template because I was frustrated by how hard it is to keep track of all the relevant parts of a PRD in more conventional tools - the main upside of building Specs in Notion is that it allows you to keep a clean high-level overview, while linking the more detailed pieces in.

Also, I love that I can use the Relations feature to link users to user stories and features - this allows you to always ensure you know for who you’re building something and what pain you’re trying to solve!

Vista previa de plantilla para Product spec

7Product 1-Pager

This template facilitates the strategic planning of your initiative by helping you define its description, identify the problem it solves, evaluate its worth, and determine success criteria. It also guides you in setting the target audience, formulating the experiment plan, and establishing milestones.

Vista previa de plantilla para Product 1-Pager

8Wiki de producto

Organiza toda la documentación relacionada con tus productos en esta plantilla, que unifica guías y procesos en un solo lugar con secciones fáciles de navegar.

Vista previa de plantilla para Wiki de producto

9Product Launch Planner

This Planner is a bitesize solution that helps digital product creators like you, launch your products smoothly.

To enable a successful product launch, the template provides:

1. A comprehensive framework to keep you on track
2. Actionable task breakdown where you can start with small efforts and yield big results
3. Dedicated time blocker for focus time and make space for productivity
4. Flexibility around project arrangements
5. Product launch timeline to stay in control of on-going projects

Take control of your creative journey and make the first step towards your next product success today!

Vista previa de plantilla para Product Launch Planner

10Product Catalogue & Data

Optimize product management with our Notion template. Catalog product data with images, release dates, statuses, variants, and URLs for seamless organization. Streamline your cataloging process and ensure comprehensive product information accessibility for efficient management.

Vista previa de plantilla para Product Catalogue & Data

Closing Thoughts

Utilizing these templates can significantly streamline your product management process. They are designed to enhance organization and improve presentation, making your work more efficient and visually appealing.

Don't hesitate to implement these tools into your workflow. Each template is tailored to be user-friendly and adaptable, ensuring you can focus more on development and less on formatting. Start today to see the difference!

What is a Feature Highlight?

A section within a product showcase that emphasizes the unique attributes and benefits of the product, often using bullet points or icons for clarity.

What is a Comparison Matrix?

A tool used in product showcases to compare features, prices, or other key metrics across multiple products simultaneously, typically presented in a tabular format.

What is a Call to Action (CTA)?

An element in a product showcase designed to prompt an immediate response or encourage an immediate sale, such as "Buy Now" or "Learn More" buttons.

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