Top 10 Free Company Bulletin Templates

Company Bulletins are essential for maintaining clear and consistent communication within an organization. They help keep all team members informed about company news, updates, and events, fostering a sense of community and alignment with company goals. A Company Bulletins template in Notion can streamline the creation and distribution process, ensuring that information is organized, accessible, and engaging for everyone involved.

Before you start crafting your own Company Bulletins, take a look at these Notion templates below to simplify the process and ensure your bulletins are effective and professional.

What Should Company Bulletins Templates Include?

Choosing the right template for company bulletins can streamline communication and ensure consistency across your organization. Here are key components to look for in a Notion template:

  1. Clear Layout: The template should have a well-organized structure that makes it easy to read and understand. Look for distinct sections for announcements, updates, and essential contacts.

  2. Integration Capabilities: A good template should easily integrate with other tools used by your company, such as calendars or project management software, to pull in relevant data automatically.

  3. Customization Options: It should offer flexibility to modify elements such as color schemes and fonts to match your company’s branding and culture.

  4. Interactive Elements: Consider templates that include interactive elements like clickable links or embedded videos to engage employees more effectively.

Selecting a template with these components will help ensure that your company bulletins are both informative and engaging for all employees.

What Should Company Bulletins Templates Avoid?

When selecting a template for company bulletins, it's important to choose one that facilitates clear communication and engagement. Avoid templates that include the following elements:

  1. Overly Complex Designs: Templates with excessive graphics or intricate layouts can distract from the key messages. Opt for simplicity to ensure readability.

  2. Non-Editable Sections: Avoid templates that have fixed, non-editable parts which can limit your ability to customize and update content effectively.

  3. Irrelevant Default Content: Steer clear of templates filled with placeholder texts and images that don't align with your company's needs, as it increases setup time.

Choosing the right template is about enhancing communication, not complicating it. Ensure the template you select is user-friendly and aligns with your company's communication style.

1Calendario de eventos

Establece una línea de comunicación abierta sobre los próximos eventos con nuestra dinámica plantilla Calendario de eventos. Esta plantilla, ideal para compartir oportunidades de aprendizaje, sesiones de orientación, actividades fuera de la empresa y mucho más, te permite añadir fácilmente detalles esenciales del evento, como el lugar, la fecha, enlaces de confirmación de asistencia e información adicional.

Al centralizar la información del evento en una única ubicación accesible, fomentas la participación y creas un entorno inclusivo en el que tu equipo se siente informado y comprometido. Simplifica el proceso de comunicación de tu evento y fomenta una comunidad conectada con esta práctica plantilla de Notion.

Vista previa de plantilla para Calendario de eventos


Usa esta plantilla para presentar a tu equipo ideas nuevas y actualizaciones de estado, organizadas de forma que puedan actualizarse y analizarse fácilmente.

Vista previa de plantilla para Presentación

3Actualización para inversores

En lugar de enviarles a tus inversores las típicas actualizaciones desorganizadas por correo electrónico, usa esta plantilla para brindarles una imagen más completa y digerible del progreso de tu empresa.

Vista previa de plantilla para Actualización para inversores

4Notion's all hands presentation

The entire Notion team gets together every two weeks to align on goals and celebrate wins. Instead of using Powerpoint or Google Slides, we present every all-hands in a Notion page. That way, we can link to other pages, add embeds, and create an interactive presentation that documents our company's growth.

Vista previa de plantilla para Notion's all hands presentation

5Company Calendar & Holiday

Elevate company-wide coordination with our Notion calendar template. Capture holidays and mutual events with ease in the intuitive calendar view, facilitating team access and collaboration. Streamline scheduling and ensure everyone stays informed and aligned on important dates.

Vista previa de plantilla para Company Calendar & Holiday

6How to use Notion AI by Remote uses Notion AI and Q&A cross their entire company so employees can immediately get answers to their questions in Notion. This template is the guide they share to employees to help them learn about and use AI effectively.

Vista previa de plantilla para How to use Notion AI by Remote

7Notion’s weekly product update

Part of being a good leader is ensuring no double standards — if you want the team to write an update, you should write them too.

Our Chief Product Officer Madhu Muthukumar writes product updates every week then shares it with the entire company. This is one of the things he implemented in his first 90 days to build trust and teamwork, especially as our product and eng team have grown across multiple offices.

Watch Madhu’s full SaaStr talk about how to have a successful first 90 days as a new product leader .

Vista previa de plantilla para Notion’s weekly product update

8Company Newsfeed

Welcome to the Company Newsfeed—an integrated Notion-Slack solution designed to keep your team informed and engaged. Share announcements, gather feedback, give kudos, and seek assistance effortlessly using specialized buttons like "Announcement," "Feedback Request," "Kudos," and "Help." Elevate team communication and collaboration with ease, making sure no important update or interaction gets missed or forgotton.

Vista previa de plantilla para Company Newsfeed

9Notion’s sales weekly digest

Here at Notion, our sales team uses this weekly digest to keep everyone up to date with the latest metrics, product updates, upcoming events and more! We build consistency by using the and filling out the action items with weekly to-do’s. Use this template to host your weekly sales sync and make complex collaboration effortless and enjoyable.

Vista previa de plantilla para Notion’s sales weekly digest

10Board of Directors Packet

This template aids CEOs in delivering asynchronous materials to board members prior to quarterly meetings. It encompasses finance documents, housekeeping materials, an organized agenda, and pre- and post-meeting surveys, ensuring board members are well-prepared and engaged for effective discussions.

Vista previa de plantilla para Board of Directors Packet

Closing Thoughts

Utilizing these templates streamlines communication within your team, ensuring everyone is on the same page. They're designed to be user-friendly and highly customizable to fit your company's needs.

Start implementing these tools today to enhance productivity and maintain a clear flow of information. They're not only efficient but also cost-effective, making them ideal for any business size.

What is a Circular?

A circular is a type of company bulletin typically used to communicate general information or updates across all departments within an organization.

What is a Memorandum?

A memorandum, often shortened to memo, is a more formal bulletin used for internal communication, conveying decisions, directives, or official policy changes to employees.

What is an Interoffice Memo?

An interoffice memo is a specific type of memorandum used to exchange information, requests, or instructions between different offices or departments within the same company.

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