Tu rincón acogedor: gestiona tu piso compartido con Notion

Vivir con compañeros de piso puede ser muy divertido, y nuestro paquete de plantillas garantiza que también lo sea sin complicaciones. Gestiona los gastos compartidos, crea horarios de limpieza y planifica actividades comunes manteniendo la paz en casa.Tu rincón acogedor de Notion (Cozy Corner by Notion) consigue que vivir juntos sea más fácil que nunca.

1Compañeros de piso

Esto es la home de tu... eh, home :) Si compartís piso con esta plantilla os será más fácil dejas las normas por escrito, llevar un control de gastos y aseguraos de que todos están informados de las reglas de vuestro piso.

Vista previa de plantilla para Compañeros de piso

2Dorm Masterplan

It helps people to organize their shopping list before moving in with their roommate, it saves time and money.

There is also a personal shopping list included in there. It helps people to stay organized before moving in.

The template also have a group events function, it manage group events with your roommate and reserves dorm/apt for personal uses

Vista previa de plantilla para Dorm Masterplan

3Household task tracker

This template helps you organize your household by tracking the chores each housemate has done. It's a no-brainer to use, and really fun to personalize to your own needs. You'll never have to fight about chores again!

Vista previa de plantilla para Household task tracker

4Plant tracker

Everyone wants to be a plant parent, but it’s harder than it looks. You can use this template to keep track of your plants, including watering schedule, optimal temperatures, common issues, and progress pics for each plant. 

Vista previa de plantilla para Plant tracker

5Meal Planning

Use this Notion dashboard to make meal planning enjoyable and well organized. Save your favourite recipes, create your meal plans using those recipes, and create your grocery list based on what you’ve decided to make each week. Template includes 3 databases, a video walk-through, and tips for meal planning and food storage.

Vista previa de plantilla para Meal Planning

6Simple shopping list

A simple grocery shopping list with customizable categories and filters to allow you to add items quickly and see what you need at-a-glance.

Vista previa de plantilla para Simple shopping list

7Cleaning tracker

My template helps individuals because it is an easier way to organize household chores. The template allows individuals to specify required frequency of various tasks, so that they can easily see which tasks are overdue vs. which are up-to-date. In this way, individuals can improve their household management and organization.

Vista previa de plantilla para Cleaning tracker

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