<aside> ✨ We've been thrilled to see so many Notion communities pop up around the world. It's wonderful to see our users come together to share best practices and help each other.

We strongly encourage anyone who is interested to start their own Notion community. This could be for your city, country, or an interest group. We put together some best practices and tips to help get the ball rolling.


Explore existing communities

Before you get started, take a peek at the list of existing groups and forums:

  1. Look through our Community page
  2. Look through our Luma pages

In some cases, there might already be a group for the same geography or interest. If you're still keen to get involved, we'd recommend reaching out to the admin of the community to see if there might be ways to work together. If you’re not sure how to reach out to them, please email us at [email protected]

Getting started

<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/e2463523-39cb-4764-bc26-81583ca6d93d/notion-logo-no-background.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/e2463523-39cb-4764-bc26-81583ca6d93d/notion-logo-no-background.png" width="40px" /> Before launching, please make sure to review these resources. All participants are required to abide by these guidelines:

  1. Code of Conduct
  2. Notion’s brand usage guidelines: How to use Notion’s brand in your marketing </aside>

Please follow our instructions until the end and fill out the form. You do not need our approval to get started. After we review your submission we’ll follow up and let you know if your community qualifies to be listed on our official community page.

1. Submit your Luma page

If you are planning to host in-person or virtual events, you must create a Luma page to get added to our official Community page. We have our Notion Meetup Guide with guidelines on how to organize your first event.

Creating your calendar

  1. Use this link to create your Luma calendar
  2. When adding the name of your calendar, please follow this format: Notion *City Name*
  3. Description: add a few words about your community, to start you can just use the name of your calendar and edit it later on.
  4. Favicon / logo
  5. Social preview image
  6. Hit submit and we’ll review your calendar for approval. Once approved, it will be added to our official list of Notion communities.